Dusty Pack’s
Rules of the Trail

Dusty Pack,  the hiking, backpacking jackrabbit

Here is a fun coloring page from Dusty Pack that will help you remember the Rules of the Trail the next time you are out hiking and enjoying nature.
Dusty Pack rules of the trail download PDF link
Click here for Dusty Pack's Rules of the Trail coloring page PDF.

More coloring pages from Dusty

  • Know where you are going. Carry a map.

  • Hike with a buddy. If you do hike alone, be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.

  • Always carry enough water and drink it.

  • Keep snacks in your pack to keep your energy up and for emergencies.

  • Always be respectful of the environment and other hikers.

  • Stay on the trail. Going off trail can harm fragile plants and soils.

  • If you want to listen to music, take and use earphones. Many hikers seek solitude and/or the sounds of nature and would prefer not to have their peace and quiet disturbed.

  • If you take your dog on a trail that allows dogs, keep it on a leash. Unrestrained dogs can harm wildlife. And ALWAYS clean up after your dog if it poops!

  • Leave no trace. If you packed it in, pack it out!


Safe Surf Rated

Dusty Pack was created by Mark A Hicks, illustrator. www.MARKIX.net

All artwork is copyrighted. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Dusty Pack is a trademark.